Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Oracle minus not working

For some reason the MINUS operator is not working. Hi, Minus is a set operation that selects elements from the first table and then removes rows that are also returned by the second SELECT statement. If there are two identical rows in table_A, and that same row exists in table_B, BOTH rows from table_A will be removed from the result set. You would have to use - and rewrite your query to get arthmetic difference if that is what you are looking for.

The minus return the unique values of the first query , so probably you have double values in the first query.

I saw somewhere an example of minus all , but that does not work in my version. The UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS operators are not valid on LONG columns. TIP: The MINUS operator is not supported in all SQL databases.

For databases such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, use the EXCEPT operator to perform this type of query. NOT EXISTS plays same role as MINUS. If both tables a roughly the same size, then MINUS might be faster, particularly if you can live with only seeing fields that you are comparing on.

Left join should not reduce rows returned by query, but it does.

Seems like query rewrite did not the right thing. Ok lets assume that condidtion b. How can someone ask How does MINUS works Answer: Dude do your home work , it is all in oracle docs. I beleive that if the user community understands the value of this site and makes a better use of it, everyone will be happy. MINUS is a SQL set operation that selects elements from the first table and then removes rows that are also returned by the second SELECT statement.

The SQL MINUS operator is used to return all rows in the first SELECT statement that are not returned by the second SELECT statement. Each SELECT statement will define a dataset. The MINUS operator will retrieve all records from the first dataset and then remove from the all records from the second dataset.

Challenges with the Minus Query Method. MINUS operator (in oracle ) is used to subtract the rows which are available in the second result, from the first result set. Minus Queries that pass will return no data because the result sets are the same. Online Help Not Working When Using a Virtual Host.

NOORDER: Specify whether individual tokens (terms) in a query should be matched in-order or in any order. The EXCEPT query and MINUS query returns all rows in the first query that are not returned in the second query. Each SQL statement within the EXCEPT query and MINUS query must have the same number of fields in the result sets with similar data types.

Oracle was a flashback query. I wanted to compare the content of two tables with identical layout quickly with the minus set operator, but ran into a couple of errors, caused by clob and blob colums. Here is a patch to make minus working same way as except. You can also use the not exists or the minus clause in SQL. How it can reduce the work performed by your query, so that top-N queries that once consumed a lot of TEMP space now use none and return much faster.

TIP: The EXCEPT operator is not supported in all SQL databases. It can be used in databases such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It is definitely the minus that is failing, as I have run the two queries separately, and the items clearly should be minused.

Obviously anything can have a bug - but you know what I get at. There can be many reasons for not documenting something.

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