Friday, January 22, 2016

Types of cursor in sql server

Cursor are required when we need to update records in a database table one row at a time. I have already explained the basic of cursor. The TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY , TYPE_SS_DIRECT_FORWARD_ONLY , and TYPE_SS_SERVER_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY cursors support only the next positioning method.

The TYPE_SS_SCROLL_DYNAMIC cursor does not support the absolute and getRow methods. The absolute method can be approximated by a combination of calls to. The different types of server cursor are: Forward-Only Read-Only.

This is the most basic type of cursor. Opening Cursor A cursor is opened for storing data retrieved from the result set. Closing Cursor The cursor should be closed explicitly after data manipulation. You use cursors when you want to process one row at a time.

Opening a cursor on a result set allows processing the result set one row at a time. You can assign a cursor to a variable or parameter with a cursor data type. A couple of things to try: Can you ping the server from your PC? Drop to a command prompt and type in Ping ?

If not, verify the servers IP address by going to the server and typing at a. A keyset driven cursor is sensitive to any changes to the data source and supports update, delete operations. By default keyset driven cursors are scrollable. There are four core types of SQL Cursors and they are. SQL SERVER – Examples of Cursors. For each one we will show a brief summary highlighting the key points, and a basic template that you can use.

These sorts of Cursors in SQL are produced and utilized by the framework amid the control of a DML inquiry (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE). A certain cursor is likewise created by the framework when a solitary row is chosen by a SELECT charge. Static cursors are built in tempdb when the cursor is opened. They always display the result set as it was when the cursor was opened.

They never reflect changes to the data. However, sometimes, you may want to process a data set on a row by row basis. SELECT statement returns a set of rows which is called a result set. A database cursor is an object that enables traversal over the rows of a result set.

STATIC, KEYSET , and DYNAMIC cursors default to SCROLL. Declare Cursor A cursor is declared by defining the SQL statement that returns a result set. Open A Cursor is opened and populated by executing the SQL statement defined by the cursor.

Transact- SQL server cursor defined. LOCAL specifies that the scope of the cursor is local to the batch, stored procedure, or trigger in which the cursor was created. If you would not use the keyword Local or Global , the Cursor will be created with TYPE by using the Database Setting as shown below. The alternative to a server -side cursor is a client side cursor. In this case the trace would just show the SQL select statement and return all the rows to the client in one round trip.

Since you're asking about FAST_FORWAR I'm assuming you're working with SQL - Server. Its slow but faster than Dynamic. In T- SQL , one way of doing this is using a CURSOR.

If you possess programming skills, you would probably use a loop like FOR or WHILE to iterate through one item at a time, do something with the data and the job is done.

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