Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Prometheus rds exporter

Create configration file config. The configuration is in YAML and tries to stay in the same spirit as the official exporter. The exporter default port page has become another catalog of exporters , and may include exporters not listed here due to overlapping functionality or still being in development. The Redis instances are listed under targets, the Redis exporter hostname is configured via the last relabel_config rule. The WMI exporter is recommended for Windows users.

To expose NVIDIA GPU metrics, prometheus-dcgm can be used. There is varying support for collectors on each operating system. Yesterday, one of my Cloudwatch exporter was restarte and because all the available images are latest, my cluster pulled the image pushed days ago to docker hub. The previous image was running without any issues.

However, the storage is not designed to be durable for the time being. We will be using the following two: node_exporter – for machine metrics. Contains: CPU memory Disk IO. It runs an exporter alongside each service and at regular intervals requests the latest metrics from the service, ingesting them into its timeseries database. But we need to tell the MySQL exporter to pull from RDS endpoint, so the my.

Find the JSON file that you saved in the previous step and upload it. You’ll see the node_ exporter ’s dashboard. Upgrade was successful – Loki eventually started displaying previously missed log-file names and other tags, just – immediately I got a bunch of CRITICAL alerts in our Slack from the blackbox-exporter which is used to check every our API endpoints. AWS cloudwatch to prometheus exporter - Discovers services through AWS tags, gets cloudwatch data and provides them as prometheus metrics with AWS tags as labels. Add CloudWatch as the data source to Grafana, with the name “CloudWatch” (the pre-defined graphs rely on this name) and choose any region.

Other fields can be left blank. Monitoring OS metrics for Amazon RDS with Grafana. Import the dashboard JSON file from our collection of MySQL dashboards, or enter dashboard id “702” in the “Grafana.

Dashboard” field of the importing form in Grafana. This chart bootstraps a redis_ exporter deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. Let’s the break the ice and talk on grok exporter. In this article, I will explain how you can use grok exporter to create prometheus metrics from unstructured logs.

Grok is popular for processing logs in ELK stack (Elastic Search, Logtash, Kibana) and thanks to Fabian Stäber for developing grok exporter. The CloudMonitor API could be slow if you have large amount of resources. You can separate metrics over multiple exporter instances to scale. HA Setup will double your requests, which may run out your quota. Today I decided to upgrade Grafana to already released version 6. There are some specialized ones like ElasticSearch and AeroSpike, but the most versatile one for many of our use cases is still PostgreSQL.

We enjoy using many of PostgreSQLs advanced features. Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics. But solutions like prometheus operator and openshift shows examples which uses nfs as persistent volumes for prometheus. All the pods are running - grafana, prometheus -alertmanager, prometheus -kube-state-metrics, prometheus -node- exporter , prometheus -pushgateway, and prometheus -server.

Everything is working, I can login to grafana, and grafana sees prometheus as a data source. In the prometheus interface, the status of all of the targets is UP. Follow the standard way of adding a new Grafana graph.

Then: Click the graph title, then click Edit.

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