Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Pleiadians in the bible

You searched for PLEIADES in the KJV Bible. The stars known as Pleiades ARE mentioned in scripture: Job 9:Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and. I hope these questions are in fun and not completely serious, because the concept of Pleiadians ranks right up there with Reptilians. If you want a more realistic explanation of aliens visiting earth, check out these videos Michio Kaku On. Which is not even in Orion, but in Taurus.

Pleiades And of course those stars are not really a group - they only look that way.

The rendering sweet influences of the Authorized Version, ( Job 38:) is a relic of the lingering belief in the power which the stars exerted over human destiny. But Schaff thinks the phrase arose from the fact that the Pleiades appear about. Now notice that there is a very small cluster of stars above the Dragon’s mouth. And if you look more carefully, you might begin to see that this cluster of stars, known as the Pleiades , is actually the tip of the Dragon’s tail.

The Bible spoke of the Pleiades , in the book of Job…. If any information is coming from the Pleiadians about 140then they are attached to that number written in the Bible , that cuts out the majority of the billion population of the world in. Much of humanity believes that God is only capable of speaking through the Bible , the Koran, the Torah, Holy books and Holy people.

By believing this, we are limiting ourselves.

Listen to the voice inside of you. It will take you where you need to go. The whole GFOL is a Lucifer forgery. The true benevolent beings wouldn’t come within a billion light years of Earth.

They know who Jesus is and they know God the Father Yahweh. This shift is the coming Age of Light, and the entry of our solar system into the Photon Band and the Age of Aquarius. God Challenges Job … when the waters become hard as stone, and the surface of the deep is frozen? Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion?

Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear and her cubs? That bunch of self-centered psuedo-nordic jerks. No wonder the elves left Middle Earth. It would serve them right if God were to just make everyone think that the Pleiadians are just a bunch of New Age poppycock, serve them right. Barbara Hand Clow channels Satya of Alcyone, a Pleidian identified with the Goddess.

Satya is the keeper of the library on Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades. The Book of Enoch, which predates the New Testament and which was excluded from the bible at the Council of Nicaea in 3A is a treasure house of knowledge and wisdom concerning the hollow earth. The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow. In section I of the book, chapters to 3 Enoch, beloved scribe of Go is granted the unique privelege of observing and recording the secrets of the inner earth and heaven (central sun).

Although the Bible does not speak of aliens who live on far away planets, it does speak of a Spirit Being who “inhabits eternity” (Isaiah 57:15).

The first two verses are references about their creation, but the third (taken in the context of the following verses) may be more about their ongoing appearance in the night sky. According to the Pleiadians , one of the major scams of the age of Pisces was that the patriarchs of the Roman Empire and the early church fathers managed to get the Christians to worship Jesus Christ on the Cross. If you are aligned with them energetically you will relate to their teachings and understand their world. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky.

The cluster is dominated by hot blue and luminous stars that have formed within the last 1million years.

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