Friday, January 12, 2018

Centaurus constellation

Visually, it is dominated by the bright stars α-Cen and β-Cen, which form a pair of pointers to the Southern Cross, Crux, and may be used to distinguish it from the False Cross asterism in Carina and Vela. In Greek mythology, the constellation is identified with Chiron, the centaur who mentored Heracles, Jason, and Theseus among other Greek heroes and was said to have been the first to identify the constellations. This constellation represents Chiron who is frequently mentioned in Greek mythology. Unfortunately, Hercules accidentally wounded Chiron.

Centaurus contains named fixed stars.

One of the most interesting of the constellations is now dominating the low southern sky at around 9:p. It has traditionally been identified with a centaur, half man, half horse. It is visible at latitudes between degrees and -degrees.

This makes it the ninth largest constellation in the night sky. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Vela and Lupus. It is named after a centaur , which is a creature that is half man and half horse.

It contains two of the ten largest stars. Has the best globular cluster.

Also, has its own meteor shower. It is in the Northern Hemisphere in the Spring. The sky is not divided up equally between the constellations. It is the ninth largest and was listed by the astronomer of the second century Ptolemy.

The constellation of the half horse, half human creature is about twice as big as Gemini. Antlia, Vela and Carina in the west. The southern border finds Musca and Crux.

Circinus, visible in the above pictures, is southeast, and east is Lupus and the Libra constellation. Click the link for more information. N and E of Crux, the Southern Cross. It is one of the closest globular clusters to Earth and contains more than a million stars. No other constellation can make this claim although Orion the Hunter and Crux the Southern Cross each contain two of the twenty brightest stars.

The center of the galaxy contains a supermassive black hole. Elements of this image furnished by NASA. THIS IS HOME FOR US AT THE CURRENT MOMENT Centaurus.

It is located in the Southern Hemisphere and can best be seen in May. The Sun crosses Agena around 15th November, and Bungula around 21st November each year.

The entire constellation extends further out to the north and in the direction of Crux(right). Chiron was the son of Chronos and Philyra, the sea nymph. On the left hand side is the faint and small constellation of Circinus. Finally to the east the neighbour constellations are Lupus and Libra.

If one draws a line from alpha Cen to beta Cen (also called Hadar ) and follows that line it leads directly to the Southern Cross stars beta Cru and delta Cru. Another major constellation in this area was Qifu, a storehouse for musical instruments. It had the second-largest number of stars of all Chinese constellations (the most populous of all was Yulinjun in Aquarius, with 45).

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