Friday, August 9, 2019

Being in a relationship with a liar

Being told the truth, no matter what it may be, confers the feeling of respect upon the recipient. It proves to them that the other person places significant value upon the relationship and is not prepared to jeopardize it by deceiving them. While some truths will clearly put a relationship at risk, lies tend to be even more damaging. People too often worry about the risks of being honest, without considering the risks of dishonesty.

They can be so effective that the liar is convinced that lying supports the relationship.

Being in a relationship with a pathological liar is confusing, tiring, and more frustrating than one can place into words. So, if you’re starting to question if you’re in a relationship with one, here are a few signs to help you out. Mandi: Today I would like to discuss the topic of having a relationship with a liar.

I am specifically in this article referring to romantic relationships. Let me begin by saying that being in a relationship and being in love with a liar is one of the most soul destroying experiences one can endure. Will such a relationship survive? How can you tell if someone is a pathological liar ?

Do you suspect your partner of compulsive lying? When someone asks you ‘How was your day? You’re fibbing if your boss just rapped you on the head because of a failed project. A pathological liar will lie for many of the same reasons, but when you realize that they’re lying and call them out on it… they will continue to lie.

Upon being called out, a pathological liar will reveal more unbelievable details within their obnoxious stories. What’s really being injured is the integrity of the relationship. Being lied to hurts because it’s a breach of trust. The liar leads a person to believe one thing while actually doing something different.

But lies have nothing to do with the worth of the person being lied to. Lies are really about the sense of self worth of the liar. To begin with , it may help to understand the difference between a pathological or compulsive liar and a sociopath (see types of liars).

Ultimately, making this type of distinction may not be that useful. The longer you wait, the more complex the web of lies gets and the more damaging the situation becomes to the relationship. Lying destroys trust: The best way to destroy trust is to find out that your signifigant other is deceiving you.

When one person becomes aware that they are being lied to, it becomes difficult to begin to trust the liar. Regain a healthy sense of perspective on your relationship by talking with a trusted friend or counselor about your situation.

Once you get the perspective you nee breaking away will be easier. It is very difficult to stop being a liar. Lying can become addictive, much easier to perpetuate.

Through lies, people receive coveted responses that are exciting,. Keep the focus on the relationship. Instead of constantly being on their rear about being a raging liar , keep the attention on the quality of your relationship. Their lies are deteriorating the trust between you two. You still care for them, but their behavior is making it hard to be happy with them.

Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar , telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Being accused of lying can have as much impact as a physical blow to the body, especially when the accusation is false. The hardest part about being married to a compulsive liar , is their unwillingness to admit they have been lying and share the truth.

Pathological liars struggle to do this, even if all the evidence is stacked against them. Yet is the very thing the other spouse wants and needs to move forward and save the relationship. Knowing a pathological liar can be deeply frustrating because the lying appears to be pointless. It can test the trust in any relationship and make it hard to even have a simple conversation with.

When you’re dating a liar , this person will deliberately try to keep you in the dark so that you don’t really know what he or she is doing when you’re not around. And by being vague and tight-lippe he or she doesn’t have to be accountable to you or be honest with you about your time apart.

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